Small Business Workshop for Creative Companies
Friday 23 February 2018
9.30am - 1pm
Blue Hen Flowers, Upper Scullsgate Cottage, Benenden, Kent, TN17 4LE
Following on from our sold out workshop in October 2017, we have been asked to come back to Blue Hen Flowers to lead another business workshop, tailored for small creative companies. If you want to take your business up a gear or are you keen to work more efficiently, then come to this workshop with Chloe Scragg of Executive Support Consultants.
Now a true 'company of one', she helps time starved freelancers and small businesses with limited resources to navigate their way through the myriad of tools and systems available on the market in order to grow their business and reduce the feeling of being completely overwhelmed.
Chloe can share with you first hand experience and case studies of where to focus your energies, how to utilise your best skills, the importance of up-skilling, the need to find the proactive people to help you and which tools will aid your business, and which ones will waste your time.
If you just want to grow flowers (/make truffles/run a holiday let/make jewellery) but can't keep up with all that needs to be done come to an interactive morning with time to share experiences and problems over coffee and cake with other wonderful small businesses.
Contact us today to book your space on this course.
Cost: £50.00